
(February 2025) Why do liberals and their relations continue to refer globally to people who enter this country illegally as undocumented immigrants. Many of the recent ones are documented. Some of them have even been given court dates. And probably most have been documented in some way. Another lie. If they break our laws, they are acting illegally, and therefore are ILLEGAL.

(January 2025) Why do we get credit for being another whole year older on our birthdays when we’re really only 1 day older? Are we any smarter, better, more knowledgeable, other?

(December 2024)  I noticed that an article from the IEEE Spectrum periodical titled “Enthusiasm Grows for Curbside EV Charging” discusses plans for adding such charging for EVs in big cities. Nice if you have an EV. But what about all the people who don’t and/or don’t want anything to do with them? EV users would clearly like to have their vehicle energy source paid for by the public. People who don’t have EVs would be paying for EV owner/user energy through increased electrical bills, installation and equipment costs, and taxes for government grants or other programs to support such. One company is seeking a big federal grant to put half of the chargers in low-income or disadvantaged neighborhoods – like those people can afford to buy EVs.
There was some mention about charging for the electricity, but would that cover all the costs? Wasn’t there something about spending $7.5B and only get 8 charging stations? That looks like a deal – almost $1B per station – for somebody. Of course it could be a government jobs program, too. They have to hire programmers, monitors, billing, and other personnel to cover miscellaneous costs as well as the government officials to “regulate, lobby for, and dispense funds, etc”. People without EVs buy their own fuel on their own. Why can’t EV owners? More of this “major climate change is due to human activities” crap.

(November 2024) Whew! The Left has said they will work to have a peaceful transition. But have they told the truth yet?  I’m concerned they and/or their cronies, illegals, and terrorists may actually have other ideas.

(October, 2024) If you believe that Kamala has changed her positions and policies, you’re a fool who deserves the miserable lifestyle they will impose on you.

(Sept, 2024) Maybe a lot of what are called conspiracy theories are actually conspiracy fact?

(Aug 2024) The US Constitution is our basic governing document and has what is called the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments.
So-called Progressives and some Democrats are saying we need to dump the Constitution. What would they come up with to replace it? – A perfect example of a humoroid?
Since they have such little knowledge, no wisdom, and no clue as to what they are doing, it would probably be short and incredibly vague:

The Left’s Proposed Constitution?

We, the Government of the United States, in order to form and maintain our more perfect society, form an Executive Branch to develop orders for regulating this society.
These orders shall:
1 – provide for collecting taxes
2 – incur debt to support the Government and pay for desired programs
3 – declare war, either
– a) on foreign powers, or
– b) on those within this nation who may represent what we deem a threat to the Government’s survival
4 – provide for other functions deemed necessary for Government operation and continuation

Their Bill of Non-rights?

1st: Freedom from religion and speech
– You shall have full faith and belief in us and not speak out against us or our platform
2nd: You shall not possess or bear arms of any type
– You shall give us your weapons, so you can’t defend yourselves from us or criminals
3rd: You shall own nothing and be satisfied with that
– You shall understand that everything you might think is yours really belongs to us. Your home and anything in it are ours and shall be available at any time for our use
4th: Your children are our children
– We shall control their development as we wish for our purposes
5th: We may hold you in custody or under threat of such indefinitely
– We shall define the crimes as needed
6th: We have our form of democracy
– You shall vote how, when, and how often we tell you
7th: You shall do only precisely what we tell or allow you
– Any violation shall subject you to Bill #5
8th: If you have something someone else wants, they may freely steal it
– This shall enforce a more equitable society

(Aug 2024) Where do your political loyalties lie?
Are they with the nation or with a political party? They should generally be with what’s good for the nation, unless the nations is making some huge security or other blunder.
This choice has been brought into focus by RFK, Jr. leaving the Democratic Party to support Trump and the Republicans.
Some other Kennedy said he was deserter because he left the party. But the Democratic Party of today is no longer the party of JFK.
When the Party deceives you, deserts you, and commits major heinous crimes, it has effectively divorced you?
You should seek a new life elsewhere.

(Aug 2024) Which (notice I did not write witch) Kamala will show up for the Inauguration if elected?
The campaign change version or the life historical version?

campus crime warning

(Jun 2024) With all the murders of college students on or near campus recently, maybe each school should post a sign like this? – And maybe add something about two-legged wildlife?





On or about 2024-02-10, Trump made a statement that he would not defend any NATO country that did not pay it’s portion of the agreed defense spending. The Trump-critical media jumped on this, simply saying he would not defend that country.
In a sense, by saying that Putin could do what he wanted, Trump was using subtext. That’s a tool where someone says one thing but there is an underlying or less obvious meaning in their statement. The media and other opponents are either so stupid, ignorant, and/or blinded by Trump hatred that they don’t get it.
But look at this realistically. If you are a member of an organization which provides you some benefit, and you don’t pay your dues, the organization drops you from its membership rolls. You no longer get that benefit. Such a nation would not be worthy of defense. His statement was merely saying that all member nations must contribute.

On or about 2024-02-05, George Stephanopoulos interviewed Chris Christie about Trump and what Christie thought his second term would be like. Christie replied with one word: “Mayhem.”
Like a good very liberal-progressive democrat and anti-Trumper, but not a good, independent journalist, Stephanopoulos failed to ask: What do you think we have now?
Toward the end of the Trump administration and through the Biden administration, anti-American so-called “progressive” activists, socialist-communist-anarchists, and other groups have created mayhem. Yes, there likely will be mayhem during a second Trump administration as people try to re-establish a workable society, but it will be primarily due to (1) a continuation of these groups’ activities who should no longer have a free standing in a lawful, civilized society; (2) the rounding up and deportation of the millions of illegal aliens who entered the US during Biden’s administration; and (3) criminal gangs as they try to maintain and grow their influence. It may not be at all pretty.

Based on the fraud rulings by Judge Arthur Engoron, is the New York legal system attempting both financial and political crucifixions of Donald Trump?
From the Cornell Law School:
“In civil litigation, allegations of fraud might be based on a misrepresentation of fact that was either intentional or negligent. For a statement to be an intentional misrepresentation, the person who made it must either have known the statement was false or been reckless as to its truth. The speaker must have also intended that the person to whom the statement was made would rely on it. The hearer must then have reasonably relied on the promise and also been harmed because of that reliance.” (Bold is mine.)
The key here is that there must have been both misrepresentation and harm. There was no harm reported. I don’t understand how someone can be convicted of fraud without both.
Another aspect of this case is that New York Attorney General Letitia James campaigned and said before taking office that she would go after Trump. Based on her statements, she should have recused herself and appointed a truly independent prosecution team and judge.

Now I’m not a strict grammarian, but something seems to be bugging me more as time goes on. It shows a major ignorance of use in the English language. It indicates that people who commit this error are of a lower, uneducated class.
A basic English sentence normally consists of a subject, a verb, and an object, with some adjectives or other words thrown in. Very definite rules should be followed to be grammatically correct.
Now I’m not talking about using slang, colloquial, creative, or other expressions. Those are free-range.
But in normal conversation, these rules should be followed.
The greatest violation I see so frequently is the reversal of “I” and “me” where “I” would correctly be the subject and “me” the object. Instead, people say things, for example, like “Me and so-and-so bought a new TV” and “Joey let I use his phone”.
I’ve even seen this in writing now. I saw something the other day where a supposedly literate woman wrote in a published article “Me and Charlie went to Paris.”
And just recently, I saw where a woman who taught writing began a sentence with “Us writers …”
I’m not opposed to what I call creative license. It can add vitality to the written or spoken word.
And I realize that languages are not static. Words are added and definitions change. But something simple like basic sentence structure should remain fixed for normal use. If not, over time, confusion will result. We have enough of that elsewhere today.

No human is perfect, but some are perfect idiots – too many.

We’ve heard a lot about fake news in recent years – much of which is fake. But consider some other instances where we encounter fake terms around the home:
non-stick – cooking and frying pans claim to be so, but we haven’t discovered one yet that really is without adding some oil, butter, or some other material to prevent sticking.
instant – some water system outlets claim to provide hot water as such, which implies instantaneous. But it takes many seconds to actually get there.

If you think gender dysphoria is bad, just wait until you trans

With so many things being done remotely today, is there some way to pressure wash my sidewalk remotely without using a hose?

Meteorology is supposed to be a science. Then how do they miss the temperature prediction for that night by 8 degrees? And many other nights by 4 degrees. It can be critical when you’re trying to grow a veggie garden with temperatures predicted to be above freezing and then …. Maybe it would be better classified as an art?

My mind is made up. Don’t try to confuse me with more government lies.

Why don’t motorcycle riders have to wear a seatbelt?

What if we had a crime report like a weather report? 30% chance of home burglary today. 10% chance of being murdered today. 15% chance of car being stolen today. 45% of being a victim of some other crime?

Bikers are usually a nuisance on two-lane roads intended for motorized vehicles – especially if the road is so narrow that two vehicles can barely get past each other going opposite directions. If they made bikers pay for the extra road width for a bike lane, we probably wouldn’t see a lot of bikers n the roads?
On this same topic, some cities are reducing the number of lanes for motorized traffic to create bike lanes. One I know of is planning to reduce a road with 4 very narrow-lanes to 2 lanes and put a bike lane on each side. It had already spent money to create a bike lane on each side of another downtown street. I have yet to see anyone on a bike using those lanes. Some types of “logic” escape me.

I got stuck driving behind a slow Prius the other day. It was doing 30-35 mph in a 45 mph zone, where everybody else drives 50-55. I had a thought: Get your Priass moving.

A manuscript is a written work. With Equity, will we have to go to womanuscript, transuscript, gayuscript, etc?

What if we became a totally inclusive country? For multi-languages on a telephone system set of options we might have: Press 1 for Spanish, 2 for Chinese – then another set of several options for the different dialects, 3 for Russian, 4 for Japanese, 5 for Arabic, 6 for Hebrew, 7 for German, 8 for Vietnamese, 9 for English, # for something else.

Nothing is foolproof to a very talented fool.

We have footnotes and headnotes. If we have a compromise, could it be called an assnote?

Free is a 4-letter word.

Tumblr has faded, few have heard of Sprinklr, when will we get Gamblr?

What if a company advertised 24/7 service? But what they really mean is they’ll either answer the phone or get there within 24 hours or 7 days, whichever is most convenient for them.

Are some companies or organizations like a bunch of monkeys in a tree? Those looking down from above see small bodies, those looking up from below see assholes.

All this stupidity is above my pay grade.

There was an old butter commercial saying “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” Today, we might say “you can’t fool mother nature.” Some people have tried by using GMOs, but the weeds, and other undesirables will change to adapt.

What kind of ham is Bethle hem?





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